Basic Design Principle Review Meeting of Indonesian PLTU2 JATENG 1x660MW ADIPALA, CILACAP

Source: Author: Date:2010-07-09【Font:B M S

Indonesian PLTU2 JATENG, 1x660MW ADIPALA, CILACAP basic design review principle meeting was held in Zhejiang Electric Power Design Institute from June 28 to July 2 of 2010. Mr. Shan Wei, Vice President of CNTIC, attended the meeting. The present parties include PT.PLN, CNTIC, ZEPDI and Main Equipments Manufactures. The review meeting was fulfilled through the discussion of four groups namely, Commerce, Civil Works, Electrics, Control & Instruments. The agendas covered transportation proposal, drawing submittal plan, civil works design and reports (geological report, plant layout, and access road basic design), design principle of every specialty. All relevant parties have signed the Minutes of Meeting at the end of the meeting.